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What care should be given to the baby?

What care should be given to the baby?

Once a baby is born, it is totally dependent on the care of its parents. Babies usually sleep at all times, except when they feel like eating or are in pain or discomfort. This is because newborns have not developed their circadian rhythm, that is, they are not able to differentiate between night and day. However, there will be babies who sleep more and others less.

In addition, feeding in the first months of life should be by milk. If possible, it is recommended to opt for breastfeeding since it carries antibodies to the baby. Otherwise, it is necessary to resort to artificial breastfeeding.

In the case of new mothers, it is common to worry when the baby cries, since the reason is unknown. However, crying is usually caused by hunger, gas, dirty diaper, etc.

By (embryologist) and (embryologist).
Last Update: 02/20/2024