One of the questions often asked by future parents who undergo fertility treatment with gamete donation is whether the mental health of the donors has been checked.
Actually, a candidate’s mental health history is one of the key factors that disqualify them from donating eggs or sperm, respectively.
The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has established strict rules and regulations when it comes to gamete donations. Both egg and sperm donors have to undergo a rigorous psychological screening which consists of a psychological interview that can even identify signs of undiagnosed mental health issues.
The different sections of this article have been assembled into the following table of contents.
When a woman or man makes the decision to donate their gametes, the first thing to do is to visit a fertility clinic or an egg and/or sperm bank where, in addition to medical tests, gamete donor candidates must also pass a psychological evaluation.
In terms of psychological control, it is important to evaluate the current situation of the potential donor. The specialist will ask several questions to find out his or her current emotional state, tracking possible symptoms of anxiety, depression, OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), and bipolar disorder.
Besides, he/she will also inquire about the stability of the candidate's situation in terms of employment, resources, residence, friendships and romantic relationships, support from family and friends, etc.
Similarly, it is important to inquire into the family history of the potential donor in matters related to:
The specialist will also ask about any family history of psychological/psychiatric disorders, or if there has been treatment, admission, or medication for psychological/psychiatric reasons.
Once information about the current situation and family history has been gathered, the specialist will take note of the potential donor's psychiatric status. In particular, the specialist will be interested in:
In addition, the psychologist will assess whether you have overcome life crises and how you have dealt with them, whether you have achieved or are on the way to achieving your goals and, if not, why not.
In the same way, the specialist will check if you are and have been a stable person if you come from a structured family or not... and will carry out a personality study (positive vs negative approach to life, decision-making, assertiveness, self-esteem...)
The donor's lifestyle is analysed in relation to aspects such as:
In this way, the specialist will be able to get an idea of the physical condition of the potential donor.
The clinic staff asks you about aspects related to the donation itself:
The specialist also checks whether you have been adopted (in which case family tracing could not be done and they could not be donors) and whether you have donated before.
Finally, you will be required to sign that all the information you provide is true and that you thoroughly informed of the legal repercussions of providing false information.
Before donating eggs, the first thing to do is to become well informed about the process, the implications, and the legislation in the respective country.
There are laws that state that the donation must be altruistic, anonymous and that women must be between 18 and 35 years old. In some other countries such as the U.S., however, egg donors are eligible for economic compensation.
Potential egg donor candidates must follow four main steps:
Yes, since gamete donors have to show good psychophysical health.
This means that if a potential donor does not obtain a favorable result in the previous psychological studies, he/she is considered unfit for donation.
The psychological study performed on gamete donors is free of charge.
Likewise, the consultations and analyses that are performed prior to sperm and egg donation are also free of charge.
To be an egg or sperm donor it is necessary to have a very good oocyte or sperm quality. Karyotype tests, most frequent genetic diseases and sexually transmitted diseases are also performed to guarantee the quality of the gametes.
Finally, an in-depth psychological interview is included to rule out any psychological alteration. Once all these tests have been passed, the candidates will be accepted as egg or sperm donors.
If you want to learn more about the actual process of egg donation, you can visit this link: Egg donation: requirements, procedure, and compensation.
If you are going to undergo IVF treatment with sperm donation and you need to read more in-depth about this topic, we recommend you to click on this link: IVF with sperm donation: process and success rates.
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