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Consequences of being a carrier of a balanced chromosomal mutation

Consequences of being a carrier of a balanced chromosomal mutation

A balanced or balanced chromosomal mutation such as a reciprocal translocation is a rearrangement without gain or loss of genetic material. However, parents carrying some type of these balanced mutations are at risk of fertility problems such as repeated miscarriage.

The 4 situations that can happen when having offspring with a balanced reciprocal translocation are the following:

  • Having a healthy child, without the translocation.
  • Having a healthy child, but who has inherited the balanced translocation. Therefore, you would also have future problems having children.
  • Having a sick child because of inheriting an unbalanced translocation that affects an important gene.
  • Having a spontaneous abortion due to genetic alterations in the fetus that are not compatible with life.
By (gynecologist), (gynecologist), (gynecologist), (embryologist), (embryologist) and (psychologist).
Last Update: 04/06/2022