In Cyprus, medically assisted reproduction is governed by the Law 69 (I)/2015. Among other remarkable aspects, it addresses the way of proceeding when undergoing a fertility treatment with donor gametes.
It also makes reference to the fines and penalties established for the cases in which the guidelines are not followed in accordance with this policy on human assisted reproduction, and specifically the use of donor oocytes and sperm.
The Law 69 (I)/2015 makes reference to two fundamental characteristics regarding the use of donor eggs and sperm:
After a counseling process, couples can choose who they want to be their donor freely, although this cannot mean his or her identity will be revealed.
Medical information on the donor will remain confidential, and only the donor-conceived person will be allowed to access it in case it is required for reasons of health, and always provided that his or her request has been previously approved by the National Committee.
Every person who tries to deceive or skip such policies regarding donor identity is likely to be punished by an imprisonment sentence not exceeding 7 years, or a fine of €150,000 or less.
It should be kept in mind that the law establishes that creating embryos from donor gametes is not possible if there is no sterile couple or person who need them, that is, a receiving couple.
As for the recipient of the donated gametes, she cannot be older than the age at which the reproductive capacity of women is estimated to come to its end, which has been limited to 50 years old.
According to this Law, candidates should be citizens aged 18 years, with full legal capacity. In the case of women, they should be 35 years old or less, and sperm donors should not be older than 45. Sometimes, this age limit can be surpassed, although in exceptional circumstances, and under the approval of the Committee.
Any violation of the age limit established for donating gametes translates into a penalty of up to one year imprisonment and/or a fine not exceeding €75,000.
For someone to become an donor, he or she must undergo a series of tests as part of a thorough medical and psychological screening process.
Another fundamental requirement for donors is that both they and their close relatives should be free from genetic or infectious diseases likely to be passed to offspring. Carrying any of these diseases would automatically make them ineligible.
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