Certified Medical Magazine by WMA, ACSA, AACI
Pregnancy rates with IVF and tubal recanalization surgery based on the woman’s age

Pregnancy rates with IVF and tubal recanalization surgery based on the woman’s age

All those women who wish to become mothers again after tubal ligation surgery ask themselves the same question: What is better for me: tubal reversal surgery or IVF cycle?

That is why many research groups have tried to study the success rates and percentages of women who become mothers again after these treatments. When the success rates of pregnant women for IVF or retroversion surgery are analyzed according to the age of the patient, it can be seen that

  • In women under 37 years: reversal surgery has a higher success rate, reaching 72.2% of pregnancies compared to 52.4% of pregnancies achieved by IVF
  • In women over 37 years: the percentage of pregnancies due to IVF treatment is 51.4%. This is much higher than the pregnancy rate for women over 37 years of age after tubal ligation reversal surgery, which is 36.6%.
Read the full article on: ( 53).
By (gynecologist), (embryologin), (embryologist) and (invitra staff).
Last Update: 05/14/2020