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Reversal of tubal ligation by occlusion

Reversal of tubal ligation by occlusion

Occlusive tubal ligation is characterized by the placement of a clip, ring or staple in the fallopian tube. This prevents the passage of sperm through the tube and impedes fertilization.

The small devices that are placed in the area make the occlusion and the scar they form only a few centimeters. In this way, the rest of the fallopian tube is kept healthy and in good condition.

This type of tubal ligation has a high percentage of reversal, because the damage they produce in the tube is very localized.

If the patient wishes to have an operation to re-canalyze the tubes and become fertile again, she will have to undergo surgery to remove the object that is causing the occlusion by cutting on both sides of the obstructing object.

Once the damaged area and the object are removed, the healthy ends are stitched together to restore the patency of the fallopian tube.

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By (gynecologist), (embryologin), (embryologist) and (invitra staff).
Last Update: 05/14/2020