The tests that a candidate must pass to become a sperm donor are essential to guarantee good practice and safety in the sperm donation procedure. These tests not only guarantee the safety of transmitting diseases to future mothers and children.
Next, we will cite the purpose of each test:
- Psychological interview: the psychologist analyzes whether the candidate is fully aware of his actions and is aware of the act and the repercussions that sperm donation entails. In addition, it investigates possible mental illnesses, including depression, which have hereditary components. Also, an arduous interview is carried out to analyze possible hereditary diseases in the candidate's relatives.
- Blood group analysis: blood group interactions during pregnancy between mother and baby are a factor to consider. For this reason, when talking about sperm donation, a donor with a blood group compatible with that of the mother is sought in such a way that the Rh blood group between the mother and the child is compatible so as not to cause problems during pregnancy; and a compatible OAB group combination with the parents is sought so that if the child needs a blood transfusion in the future, a compatible donor can be found in his or her closest family.
- Analysis of infectious diseases: when it comes to the manipulation of bodily fluids, such as semen or blood, it is essential to apply a battery of analyzes of infectious diseases that demonstrate that the donor is healthy and, therefore, Therefore, it cannot transmit any disease, not only to the mother and the child, but also to the clinicians who will be in contact with the donor's blood and semen. When this type of analysis is performed, it can be certified that the donor does not have any type of disease.
- Genetic studies: the genetic analyzes certify that dante is free of any gene that may be capable of transmitting one of the most common genetic diseases in our population to its inheritance.
Read the full article on: How is sperm donation explained step by step? ( 59).
By Andrea Rodrigo B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist), Laura Parra Villar B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologin), Sergio Rogel Cayetano M.D. (gynecologist) and Cristina Algarra Goosman B.Sc., M.Sc. (psychologist).
Last Update: 01/26/2022