Anxiety and stress are two different terms that are often confused.
Stress is a process in response to environmental demands. It would be the physiological response of our organism. In this process, we interpret whether or not we are going to be able to give an adaptive response. If this is not the case, we perceive a threat that triggers the emotional response, which is what we call Anxiety.
Intense and sustained stress causes a series of hormonal alterations in the body, such as hypersecretion of cortisol and increased secretion of prolactin and melatonin, which inhibit ovulation and interfere with reproduction, making it difficult to achieve pregnancy in a natural way. The effect of cortisol in the body is to maintain vital signs and block those functions that are not necessary for survival.
In addition to cortisol, the brain also sends signals to manufacture adrenaline in response to fight or flight. This hormone causes an increase in blood pressure and heart rate.