Synarel is a hormone medication used both in assisted reproduction and to relieve the symptoms of endometriosis.
Specifically, Synarel is used during the controlled ovarian stimulation phase in artificial insemination (AI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments.
The main advantage of Synarel over other hormonal drugs is that it is a nasal inhaler, i.e. it is not administered as an injection.
The different sections of this article have been assembled into the following table of contents.
The active ingredient of Synarel is Nafarelin, a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist. The remaining excipients are sorbitol, glacial acetic acid, purified water and benzalkonium chloride.
GnRH is a hormone naturally produced by the hypothalamus (brain gland) that stimulates the pituitary gland to produce FSH and LH, hormones that control a woman's ovarian cycle.
The function of Synarel is to act on the pituitary gland by decreasing the normal response to GnRH, so that the endogenous production of FSH and LH is inhibited and, therefore, the ovaries are kept at rest, without estrogen production or follicular development.
In assisted reproduction, this slowing down of the pituitary gland and the ovaries is necessary in order to start ovarian stimulation in a synchronised manner, so that all the follicles develop at the same time and several oocytes are obtained for fertilization.
Synarel is the only drug used in the process of ovarian stimulation that is administered by nasal solution, making it the ideal choice for women who are afraid of needles or have problems giving themselves an injection.
Synarel comes in a single bottle containing 8 ml of the drug for nasal spraying in 200 microgram doses.
In terms of price, Synarel costs $2,971.80 for a supply of 8 milliliters. In order to purchase Synarel, a doctor’s prescription is necessary.
As we have already mentioned, there are two main indications for the use of Synarel:
In the latter case of patients suffering from endometriosis, Synarel is able to relieve the symptoms of painful menstruation, painful intercourse and general pelvic pain, as well as reduce significant blood loss during the period.
Before starting to use Synarel, it is important to pay attention to the instructions given by the specialist, especially with regard to the days of administration and dosage.
In the ovarian stimulation process, Synarel is used in the so-called long protocolsbecause it must be administered for several days.
Specifically, its administration starts around day 20 of the previous cycle. Once menstruation has set in, the woman should continue with Synarel inhalations at the same time as she starts the stimulation shots.
As for the dosage of Synarel, we will now give some general recommendations that can serve most patients:
As we have said, the doctor can adjust these guidelines according to the patient and the specific treatment.
In order to be able to administer Synarel, the sprayer pump must be charged before the first administration. The instructions for this are listed below:
It should be noted that the first spraying usually occurs after pressing about 5-7 times. Once the medication is prepared, the steps for each application of Synarel are as follows:
After each use, it is necessary to clean the spray nozzle with warm water while rubbing it with a clean cloth. This can be done by placing the bottle horizontally under the tap.
There are some situations where the use of Synarel is not indicated:
On the other hand, in women with a history of ovarian cysts, it is necessary to inform the doctor in order to assess whether or not to administer Synarel, since there may be an increase in the size and number of cysts.
Like all medications, the administration of Synarel can have side effects that are classified according as to how often they occur.
The most frequent symptoms of Synarel are those that appear in 1 out of 10 patients and are as follows:
Other symptoms of Synarel that also appear in numerous cases, although less frequently than the previous ones (in 1 out of every 100 patients), are the following:
In the latter case, bone density recovers during the 6 months following the interruption of treatment, but it should be noted that if there is a family history of osteoporosis, the risk of suffering bone mineral loss is greater.
The rare symptoms of Synarel are those that appear in at least 1 in 1,000 patients, and in this case only alopecia, breast enlargement and ovarian cysts have been described.
For the rarest symptoms, which only appear in 1 in 10,000 patients, elevation of liver enzymes (GOT/GPT and serum alkaline phosphatase) is specified. Other side effects are also possible and their frequency is unknown. These include migraine, blurred vision, palpitations and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
All the information published in this article has been extracted from the Vademecum (a treaty containing the composition, indications, side effects, etc. of each of the existing medicines on the market)
This drug can be used with contraceptives, starting Synarel approximately when the patient has taken 18 tablets, or without contraceptives, starting its use on day 21 of the previous cycle. Sometimes, when used without contraceptives, it can cause the period to be delayed for a few days, but usually it does not.
Synarel is a drug used in IVF stimulation protocols. Its active ingredient is Nafarelin, a GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) agonist. Its function is to act on the pituitary gland by decreasing the normal response to GnRH, thereby inhibiting endogenous FSH and LH production, thus keeping the ovaries at rest.
The duration of treatment should always be indicated by the doctor. In general, if used for ovarian stimulation prior to assisted reproduction treatment, the treatment period does not usually exceed 8 weeks. If it is used for the treatment of endometriosis the maximum recommended duration of treatment is 6 months.
Both alcohol and tobacco are contraindicated during the use of Synarel, as they can interfere with the effectiveness of the treatment.
It is important to inform the doctor of any medications that the patient is taking or has recently taken prior to the use of Synarel to ensure that they are properly absorbed.
There does not appear to be an interaction between Synarel and anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen. However, nasal decongestants decrease the absorption of Synarel, so they should not be used within 30 minutes of administration.
Yes, it is a common hormonal treatment prescribed to relieve the symptoms of endometriosis. It is a nasal spray which main active ingredient is Nafarelin acetate, a GnRH agonist.
Yes, it is common for a doctor to prescribe a combination of drugs to stimulate the ovary before IVF. Synarel allows the production of FSH and LH to be increased by acting directly on the release of GnRH. On the other hand, the use of Gonal involves the administration of FSH, while Menopur contains FSH and LH. With these three drugs, separately or in combination, the growth of the ovarian follicles can be stimulated. Finally, with Ovitrelle, which is hCG, the final maturation of the follicles and ovulation can be triggered.
It is important to note that the doctor adapts the stimulation protocol to each patient, so there will be differences in medication between women and others.
No. Synarel can only be used if it is certain that there is no pregnancy. This medication should not be used if a positive pregnancy test or suspicion of pregnancy exists. Your doctor will prescribe a drug that is compatible with pregnancy or will postpone treatment. Synarel is not compatible with breastfeeding, either.
No. Although both drugs can be used during ovarian stimulation, Synarel and Decapeptyl contain different active ingredients.
On the one hand, Synarel is composed of nafarelin, while Decapepyl contains triptorelin. Even so, both components are GnRH agonists, so they have the same function: to block the pituitary gland to keep the ovaries at rest.
As we have indicated throughout the article, Synarel is a drug used in fertility treatments during the ovarian stimulation phase. If you want to know what this part of the treatment is like and what other types of drugs are used, you can read on here: What is ovarian stimulation?
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Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios. CIMA. SYNAREL 200 microgramos, SOLUCIÓN PARA PULVERIZACIÓN NASAL. Nº REGISTRO: 60079. Prospecto: información para el usuario. (View)
Wong JM, Forrest KA, Snabes SZ, Zhao SZ, Gersh GE, Kennedy SH. Efficacy of nafarelin in assisted reproductive technology: a meta-analysis. Hum Reprod Update. 2001 Jan-Feb;7(1):92-101 (View)