Certified Medical Magazine by WMA, ACSA, AACI
What are the clinics’ own warranty programs like?

What are the clinics’ own warranty programs like?

Pregnancy guarantee programs are a modality offered by clinics to ensure pregnancy. In the event that the pregnancy is not achieved, the patient will be reimbursed for the cost paid. In this way, patients know from the very beginning what the pregnancy will cost them, without any additional expenses arising at the moment of truth.

In the case of guarantee programs, two things can happen: either the clinic itself offers the program, or it is offered through an insurance company as a mere product.

In the case of the clinic's own pregnancy guarantee programs, the staff of the center will carry out all the complementary techniques (PGD, ERA test, sperm fragmentation, embryo culture with time-lapse system, etc.) with the aim of achieving pregnancy from the first IVF attempt.

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By (embryologist) and (psychologist).
Last Update: 03/02/2022