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Antral follicle count by transvaginal ultrasound scanning

Antral follicle count by transvaginal ultrasound scanning

The antral follicle count (AFC) is performed by the gynaecologist by transvaginal ultrasound, making it a non-invasive and painless method for assessing a woman's ovarian reserve. It is advisable to perform the AFC between the second and fourth day of the menstrual cycle, in the early follicular phase.

Ovarian reserve is generally considered to be normal when there are 5 to 10 follicles (2-10 mm) in each ovary. Values below this range would indicate a low reserve and values above this range would indicate a high reserve or a polycystic ovary.

By (gynaecologist), (gynecologist), (gynecologist), (gynecologist), (gynecologist), (embryologist), (gynecologist) and (biochemist).
Last Update: 10/26/2022