Many pregnant women can lead a relatively normal life throughout their pregnancy. However, there are pregnant women who are advised to rest in the event of certain risk situations that may endanger their health or that of the baby.
Rest may be relative or absolute, the latter being stricter. In general, pregnant women on bed rest should only get out of bed to go to the bathroom
The different sections of this article have been assembled into the following table of contents.
Rest implies no exertion. However, when the specialist recommends the pregnant woman to rest, it can be a relative or absolute rest:
Therefore, it is always advisable for the pregnant woman to ask her doctor and to specify beforehand, as far as possible, which activities she should restrict, as well as if there is a more appropriate posture to adopt during the rest.
Finally, it is important to mention that rest may have a variable duration and should be maintained until the woman receives a new indication from the specialist.
There are several reasons why the gynecologist may prescribe absolute rest to the pregnant woman. Among them are:
On the other hand, the increased risk of complications such as premature delivery that exists in a twin or multiple pregnancy, also makes it very common for the pregnant woman to have to rest.
Some of the negative effects that rest during pregnancy could have on the pregnant woman are:
In addition, the beneficial effect of rest on the prevention of preterm labor is currently a matter of controversy. However, it is true that many doctors still recommend restricting activity for pregnant women with any problems.
To avoid muscle wasting caused by rest, it is advisable to make postural changes and gently move the legs and feet. It is possible that the doctor may recommend certain light movements that the pregnant woman can do, so it is advisable to ask about this.
On the other hand, it will be imperative that the pregnant woman on bed rest carefully monitors her diet. This will be critical to monitor caloric intake, as activity restriction can lead to excessive weight gain during pregnancy. However, it will also be important to incorporate fiber and adequate water intake to avoid constipation.
In addition, this period of rest can be especially hard psychologically for the pregnant woman. Women are limited in their activity, but they can also feel a great responsibility. Therefore, it is best to keep busy reading, watching TV, doing those things you previously never had time for (as long as they don't require effort), planning for the baby's arrival and keeping in touch with family and friends.
In most pregnancies it is possible to lead a normal life and even do moderate physical activity, but on some occasions it is necessary to recommend that the pregnant woman rest.
Among the reasons for which rest may be recommended during pregnancy are vaginal bleeding, the threat of premature delivery, intrauterine growth retardation, medical procedures, loss of amniotic fluid, preeclampsia and maternal illnesses.
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Pregnancy is a natural state in which a new being is generated, grows and matures inside a woman. Although physiological, gestation implies an overload for all the structures of a pregnant woman and, although the organism has an amazing capacity to adapt to this new situation, there are pathologies that may appear and with which the obstetrician may recommend some kind of physical rest.
Absolute rest is total rest, the absence of physical activity and implies bed rest.
Relative rest is not such a drastic measure, but it does imply a notable reduction in movement and effort. Although it is not an indication of absolute immobility, the pregnant woman should assume that everything that involves exertion should be avoided.
The duration in both cases can be variable and only under medical prescription can a normal daily life be resumed.
In general, the specialist will recommend that the pregnant woman remain lying on her side for absolute rest. However, it is important to vary this position relatively frequently to avoid skin damage and irritation.
However, the pregnant woman can ask her specialist about this, as well as about some light exercises and movements she can do in bed to prevent muscle loss and the appearance of blood clots.
Some pregnant women may be tempted to voluntarily take complete rest during pregnancy because they are afraid that any activity they do may affect their pregnancy.
However, it is not necessary for the pregnant woman to restrict her activities in this way. Absolute rest has certain disadvantages and risks such as the appearance of blood clots and muscle atrophy, so it should not be done voluntarily.
In case of any doubt or concern, it is best for the pregnant woman to always consult a specialist.
As we have mentioned, rest during pregnancy may be recommended by the specialist in the event of certain complications. You can learn more about some pregnancy complications in the following article: What are the most common pregnancy complications?
On the other hand, we have also mentioned that rest may be common in multiple pregnancies. For more information about the risks of this type of gestation, you can visit the following link: Risks of multiple pregnancy for mother and babies.
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